
I'm a web developer and digital content strategist, working at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon. Like most community college employees, my daily work life has a lot of variety, and I've discovered a passion for digital accessibility, college governance and policy, and student recruitment and retention efforts. I occasionally blog professionally. Outside of work, you'll probably find me exploring the nearby forests, building furniture in my garage, or cooking dishes that I should know better than to try doing on a weeknight.
From 2006 to 2011, I taught high school students to program, network, and repair computers at a large, award-winning school district in suburban Washington, DC. While there I built and deployed my first web application, to collect and evaluate student programming assignments. Writing my own class materials started my lifelong belief in the power of Open Educational Resources.
After getting married in 2009, my wife and I took a cross-country honeymoon trip on a half-recumbent tandem bicycle, discovering many wonderful places and even more wonderful people. You can read about our trip, from either of our perspectives, at marriageat10mph.com.
You can contact me by email at [email protected]
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