Work Experience

Web Team Lead, Marketing & Creative Services

Jul. 2018–Present
  • Help ensure compliance with brand guidelines across college web properties including the catalog, library, and athletics websites.
  • Created and reviewed RFPs and responses, including drafting the RFPs for a website redesign and a new CRM platform with integrated admissions application.
  • Developed retention telemarketing campaigns and supporting call tracking systems.
  • Coordinated with outside marketing agencies to improve campaign performance tracking, launch landing pages concurrently with campaigns, and monitor social media.
  • Originated a project to rework program pages, including template development, copywriting, and keyword research. While not yet complete, reworked programs have seen considerable increases in organic search traffic: 47.4% for Accounting, 37% for Computer Programming, and a 20% increase for Dance.
  • Designed and drafted a retention email campaign, and coordinated integration with Banner. The campaign generated thousands of clicks annually.
  • Assisted with emergency communications, including as a member of the Spring 2020 COVID-19 response team.
  • Review, evaluate, and where possible correct the accessibility of webpages and software products.
  • Administered Keap, our former CRM Platform. Performed end of term maintenance, evaluated campaign effectiveness, and provided end-user support. Successfully migrated to TargetX, a Salesforce based CRM and admissions application.
  • Led a redesign of the college's website, including a migration from Drupal 7 to 9 and a further reduction of several thousand webpages. Duties included managing the vendor relationship, assigning and prioritizing work, drafting and redeveloping content, and communicating with campus on progress and roll-out plans.
  • Manage the college map. In addition to keeping data current, collected data and added a gender neutral restroom layer and a family resources layer.
  • Work with college social media. Co-lead the LCC Meme Team, the student social media team. Develop organic social media content. Drafted the college organic social media strategy. Served as a photographer for college events.
  • Serve as the point person for college digital signage. Draft college signage procedures, create sign templates, create and approve sign item workflows.
  • Serve as the custodian for the college online policy \& procedure system. Update policies as needed, provide advice and guidance on changing or updating policies and procedures, and ensure college policies do not conflict.

Web Developer, Information & Academic Technology

Jul. 2011–Jul. 2018
  • Modernized the Banner 8 self-service environment and admissions application through the addition of custom CSS and JS.
  • Developed a lightweight data dashboard as part of early attempts to improve campus access to data.
  • Rapidly developed a D3 & Python radar chart web application as part of a successful grant application.
  • Helped the college select, purchase, and implement its first Customer Relations Management (CRM) platform. Developed the initial communications plans, wrote campaign copy, and developed the specification for Banner integration.
  • Performed LAMP stack development, performed security testing, and applied updates to systems as needed.
  • Modified templates and provided recommendations for knowledgebase development, winning the Spring, 2015: League for Innovation award.
  • Oversaw the implementation of the college's first digital map. Developed virtual tours within the map platform, and later integrated it with the CMS.
  • From 2012–2015, served as co-coordinator of a student staffed, in-house graphic design and digital media center. The center grew to be so successful that it was expanded, and a new position was created to supervise its work.
  • Led the migration of the college's 17,000 page Dreamweaver/Contribute based website to a 4500 page, Drupal 7 based site. Selected the CMS; developed infrastructure for page migration, eliminating the need for a site-wide content freeze; created mobile and tablet website designs; completed front and back-end development; determined server architecture; and performed both usability and functional testing. This work led to winning the May, 2013, Classified Employee of the Month.

Montgomery County Public Schools

Montgomery County, Maryland

High School Computer Science Teacher

Sep. 2005–Jun 2011
  • Taught CCNA and A+ Certification Preparation courses as part of the Cisco Networking Academy, as well as courses on programming in Python, C++, web design, and Microsoft Office certifications.
  • Developed a PHP based web application to collect and assist in grading student programming assignments
  • Created a PHP based online textbook web application, then used it to write and host my own free textbook for my course.
  • Administered an internal web server
  • Developed Bash and Perl scripts for use by the Novell systems administrator
  • Created and supervised a teaching student helpdesk, where students would respond to employee tickets as part of assessment to promote learning and decrease IT response times.

Home Depot

Frederick, Maryland

Lumber & Building Supplies Associate

Aug. 2005–Nov. 2005
  • Learned the value of investing in employees, consistent work schedules, and proper metrics.

Gettysburg College

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Research Assisstant, Cognitive Neuroscience Labratory

Sept. 2001–May 2005
  • Developed programs in E-Prime, conducted research, performed computer administrative tasks, collected and analyzed data, and maintained the laboratory web presence.

Student Assisstant and Grader, Computer Science Department

Sept. 2004–May 2005
  • Helped students during a lab for an introductory programming course and during office hours. Graded homework assignments on a rotating schedule with other graders.

Shand Summer Research Fellow, Psychology Department

Summer, 2004
  • Developed and taught a series of classes to the faculty of the Psychology Department on the use of E-Prime, an experiment development software suite roughly based on Visual Basic.
  • Developed a support website for the college to assist new research assistants and faculty in the use and learning of E-Prime.

Grand Union

Vestal, New York

Cashier, Stock clerk, and POS Programmer

Oct. 1998–Aug. 2001
  • Learned the tradeoffs of efficient user interfaces versus easy interfaces, the importance of proper metrics, and the value in being transparent about business with employees, especially as layoffs start.
  • Committed the numbers 4011, 4065, and 4747 to memory forever.
  • Discovered that no one listens to the intercom announcements, even when the announcement is that there's a car on fire in the parking lot, please come see if it belongs to you.
  • Won the scooter race around the store floor during at least one slow evening.
  • During the last year, worked the 4-10am Sunday shift to download POS updates from a central server, then manually applied patches for late sales modifications. Manually entered hundreds of previously unscannable items, improving checkout speed.

Campus Service

Enrollment Work Group: Currently serving as a member of a joint task force on growing enrollment at the college. Develop retention communications plans, coordinate digital experience between student software platforms, and provide input on enrollment management.
Recruitment & Admissions Steering Committee: Participate in CRM and retention communications governance. Process mapped admissions processes, finding efficiency and student experience improvements. Develop, manage, and review communications campaigns, determine applicant portal experience, and manage platform licensing & user access.
Fraudulent Application Task Force: Participated in a group attempting to prevent, discover, and remediate financial aid or other fraud. Implemented several bot prevention measures within the admissions application before proposing the addition of an application deposit, which has all but eliminated fraud, while saving hundreds of hours of staff time thus far at no cost to students.
Aspiring Leaders Task Force: Invited to to help with the relaunch of the President's employee leadership development program. Helped develop curriculum outlines, program scope, and ensured faculty inclusion.
Lane Forward Fund Steering Committee: Set criteria and evaluated applications for an internal grant process.
Spring, 2024
Schafer Innovation Award Committee: Evaluated applications and determined award amounts for an LCC Foundation financial award.
Classified/LCCEF Bargaining Team: Served as one of three principle negotiators in classified unit bargaining. Incorporated dozens of MOAs, wrote and rewrote several articles of the contract, and successfully concluded bargaining through multiple mediation sessions.
College Council: Served as one of two representatives to College Council from the classified employee group. Reviewed, made recommendations on, and approve recommended new or revised college policies. Served as chair from Fall, 2020 through Spring, 2023, developing work plans in conjunction with college leadership, reporting to the Board of Education, and helping to facilitate effective governance at the college.
Student Affairs Council: Review and draft Student Affairs related policies for the college. From September 2018 to September 2020, served as council chair, developing annual council work plans and conducting council business. Successfully led the review of every assigned council policy, and introduced several needed new college policies.
Strategic Planning Steering Committee: Review survey and focus group results. Provide feedback on and help to draft elements of the college's five-year strategic plan.
Guided Pathways Student Communication \& Engagement Team: Work with a cross-functional team to analyze and improve campus student communications as part of broader efforts implementing Guided Pathways.
Governance Redevelopment and Implementation Teams: Worked with representatives of management, students, and the campus bargaining groups to draft, recommend, and implement substantial governance system changes.
Welcome Day Planning Team: Helped develop and implement the college's new student welcome event. Developed a registration and check-in system, drafted copy for the email reminder campaign, reviewed video scripts, reviewed and approved event collateral, staffed the event, and assisted with setup and teardown.
Classified/LCCEF Constitution Committee: Chaired the classified union committee responsible for successfully comprehensively reviewing and revising a 20-year-old union constitution. Successfully passed 19 amendments, bringing the constitution into compliance with affiliate standards.
Technology Council: Served as an at-large member reviewing and creating technology related college policies. Developed the college's current student and employee communications policies, a process which included research, drafting policy, consulting counsel, and negotiating policy with bargaining unit representation.
Achieving the Dream Data Team: Worked to improve the college's ability to work with data, as part of best practices recommended by Achieving the Dream. Reviewed and sent a weekly data visualization communication to campus. Developed data visualization tools for campus use.
Strategic Enrollment Management Team: Worked with a team of admissions, marketing, and student affairs staff to help the college draft its first ever Strategic Enrollment Management Plan. Served on both the student recruitment and student retention subcommittees.


Western Governors Univeristy

Master of Business Administration

  • Completed a capstone project on improving the new student onboarding process in order to improve retention and completion outcomes.

Gettysburg College

Bachelor of Arts. Computer Science and Psychology, double major

  • Completed an independent study on using genetic algorithms in optimization problems.
  • Conducted research using fMRIs to study brain activation changes in a grapheme-color synaesthete, resulting in a poster presentation at Society for Neuroscience.


  • Ultimate Frisbee, President and Captain Sept. 2003–May 2004, Member Sept. 2001– May 2005: trained, captained, and administered a 30 person team, organized home tournaments, and planned for attendance at tournaments up to several hundred miles away. In May of 2003, organized and successfully completed a 48 hour series of frisbee games, a world record at the time.
  • House Leader, Sept. 2003–May 2005: Organized events open to campus, handled conflicts between house members and acted as a liaison to residence life. Generally conducted duties normally performed by residence assistants

Vestal High School

Regents High School Diploma


Society for Neuroscience

Oct. 2004

Poster Presentation: Investigating Automatic Processing in a Color-Grapheme Synaesthete. K. R. Schmidt, J. Graham, A. Brooks, J.M. VanMeter, C.M. Wessinger.

Cognitive Neuroscience Society

Apr. 2005

Poster: Distinct Object-Based Effects during Initial and Reorienting Shifts of Visual Spatial Attention. K.D. Wilson, K.R. Schmidt, and K. Gamble.

Technical Skills


Drupal 7 & 9/10, Keap, WCAG 2.1 A/AA, Korbyt signage, Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora/CentOS), Almabase Alumni, ClickUp, Basecamp, Concept3D, Git, JavaScript, Python, MySQL, Bash, PHP, HTML, SCSS/CSS, Google Drive, Publicate Newsletters, Word, Excel, Powerpoint


Brightedge SEO, Google Analytics, EAB Navigate, 25 Live Events, TargetX/Salesforce, Handshake, MailChimp, Softdocs development, CampusLabs Engage, Banner WebTailor, Wordpress, Django, Apache, Varnish, nginx, LaTeX


CompTia A+, Network+, Security+

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